Hochwasser bayern aktuell
Hochwasser bayern aktuell

hochwasser bayern aktuell

At 3 other places hisĪuthorship is not sure. In the Czech Republic there are still 6 sundials whose author was Jan Engelbrecht. Its author was Jan Engelbrecht, who lived in the years 1726 - 1807. The ideaĪppeared then to realize a sundial which used to be on the building at the turn of the century, about 1900. The aim of the renovation was to give back the facade its historic look. Its look before the renovation of the facade in 2002 is perceptible from the picture. Square in town of Dvůr Králové nad Labem (longitude 15 ° 49', latitude 50 ° 26') The building of the former town hall is situated in the The state of sundials is filed by 31,999 pictures 2020 it comprises 4,332 sundials from the Czech Republic and 326 from Slovakia. The electronic version is continuously being completed and made topical. The help of which it is possible to design a dial plate of a sundial. With 4,863 pictures of sundials is available and also the program SHC with On the enclosed CD-ROM the electronic off-line version of the catalogue The book contains 103 colour and 64 black and white photographs. Which makes looking for locations of sundials easier. The book is completed with the charts, surveys and maps, In the book there are also the articles about the history of sundials, their principles, building and renovation,Ībout different types, their odd locations and interests. To cardinal points, to types of dial plates, poloses. Sundials according to the orientation of the wall The catalogue itself is supplemented with statistics of sundials - according to regions, districts, and types, number of vertical Sundials on fixed locations in Bohemia, Moravia, Silezia and Slovakia.

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You will find there the catalogue of 2,094 Which was published at the end of the last year. The electronic catalogue was used as a basis for the book "Fixed Sundial Locations", Mentioned data were specified, completed and made topical. The team of authors continued this work and transferred the results into electronic form. The total number of sundials filed at that time was 1,202. In the years 1981 - 1990 diploma papers which described the whole area of today's Czech Republic were elaborated. The idea of making the catalogue of sundialsĬame into being at Faculty of Natural Sciences (Charles University) in Praque. If the information provided in the book is not sufficient for the reader, he can obtain additional informationįrom information sources from which the author drew and the list is given at the end of the book. On the examples, especiallyįrom abroad, it is obvious how sundials can make the space come to life. The book might also be the inspiration for architects to design a sundial for the open space. With the application of acquired knowledge in the book the reader is able to make their own sundial. In some cases, to illustrate the situations or types which are not found in his country the author The book is written in such a way which allows the reader to be introduced to secrets of gnomonics step by step and to get to know less known types or functions of sundials.īesides the photographs from his wide collection the author used the photographs from Czech sundial on-line catalogue,

hochwasser bayern aktuell

On many photographs not only the principles of their work are illustrated but also the faults and failings of an individual sundial. The book deals especially with the sundials which work on a principle of an hour angle. (Sundials - designs, implementations and examples from the native country and from around the World) Sluneční hodiny - návrhy, realizace a příklady z domova i ze světa New book about sundials Title of the book

Hochwasser bayern aktuell